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How hard is th gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Discounted gorilla trekking

In the wake of the Covid -19 pandemic that the world faced, Tourism was among the most affected sectors with limited and sometimes closer travel.  To remedy this, the Rwanda Development Board provided an opportunity to some travelers with discounted gorilla permits to be able to see these endangered species said to be sharing 98% of their DNA with Human beings and are only found in the Great Lakes region in the massive Volcanoes National Park. The discount was meant for nationals of Rwanda, residents of Rwanda, East Africans citizens and residents as well as Africans and African residents.

This is therefore another opportunity for other tourists to enjoy the discounted gorilla permits and be able to have this once in a lifetime experience of meeting these human-like creatures in their natural bedding in the Volcanoes National Park.

Who is entitled to get Rwanda discounted gorilla trekking extended to 31st December 2023 ?

The existing discounts are offering a chance to trek gorillas on a discounted gorillas permit other than the existing 1500$ per permit.

The following are entitled to discounted gorilla permits:

Rwandan citizens are entitled to discounted gorilla permits at a rate of 200$ per permit. The requirements to be submitted is a National Id, Valid passport or a birth certificate.

The East African Citizens: these are the citizens of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi southern Soudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. To be able to trek gorillas at discounted gorilla permits, they need to present a valid passport and enjoy the discount at 200$.

Foreign residents in Rwanda. These are foreigners who live in Rwanda on a permanent basis and are entitled to a discounted permit at 500$. Requirements to present include: a visa on minimum 4 consecutive months, diplomatic card or a resident card.

African citizens are also entitled to a discount of 500$ by presenting a valid passport.

African foreign residents also a category that is entitled to the discounted gorilla permit whereby they will be paying 500$ after presenting a residence proof that includes: a visa for a minimum 6 consecutive months, diplomatic card or a resident card.

Rwanda discounted gorilla trekking extended to 31st December 2023 is worth noting that the permits for these promotional rates are subject to availability from January to May 2023 and from June to September 2023 must be bought at least a month before the trekking date. If the promotional permit is bought less than a month from the trekking date, the price will be 1500$ per permit.  From October to December 2023, all you need is to check availability and we book for you any time.

Are you planning a trip to the Volcanoes National Park to see the majestic gorillas? In addition to a gorilla permit, you need also to work on other ground logistics including transportation by a 4×4 jeep and accommodation. Contact Us  and we shall be available to help you prepare an itinerary that best matches your interests, budget and time. All you need is only to send us your request and relax as we put every detail into account to make your trip to Rwanda, the country of a thousand hills as it is known of, a memorable experience.

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